
10/2023 Participating in Athica’s 2023 Juried Exhibition. Jurors Clay Aldridge and Josiah Golson of Stove Works in Chattanooga, Tennessee, reviewed 331 works submitted by 127 artists. I was delighted to be selected for inclusion in this annual show which features contemporary art in all media that explores or references the theme: SURFACE.

3/2023 Work selected for 48th Juried Exhibition at Lyndon House Arts Center. Juried by Maria Elena Ortiz, Curator at The Modern Museum of Fort Worth, TX.

4/2021 Second Prize(s) awarded by Katherine French in the National Juried Show “PIVOT” for three paintings collectively: “Embraced by a Seventeen Foot Wave,” “Verdant Promises,” “A Drone Dropped This On My Lawn.”

6/2020: Delighted to be chosen for the 2019 Ester Conant Award by the Helen Bumpus Gallery Board. The award is given for outstanding and creative abstract work for an exhibiting artist at the Helen Bumpus Gallery in Duxbury, MA.

3/13/20: David Park’s Boston: Tracing the Figurative Turn: Presenting at the Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts Symposium: David Park and the Bay Area Figurative Movement

Hyperallergic: David Park and the Bay Area Figurative Movement: A Symposium at the KIA

11–12/2019: Invited to exhibit in a solo show: Sailor’s Delight at the Helen Bumpus Gallery at the Duxbury Free Library, Duxbury, MA

10/2019: Two paintings selected for juried show Continuum at the James Library and Center for the Arts

6/2018: Conducted presentations on Ulysses@100 at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS):”Environments of Irish Studies” at University College, Cork, Ireland and the XXVI International James Joyce Symposium: “The Art of James Joyce” at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Invited to exhibit in group show along with 5 international artists who use Joyce as an inspiration in their work.

3/2018: Artist feature in The Beacon Villager News: Abstract Paintings by Kaitlin Thurlow on View at Artspace Maynard

1/2018: Attended Freehold Taos Residency Center in Questa, NM for a week long Artist Residency to work on paintings for Ulysses@100.


Exhibiting in a solo show at ArtSpace Maynard in March 2018. The work is inspired by James Joyce’s novel, “Ulysses,” and will feature interpretations of the book’s 18 episodes.

1/2016: Award in Darkness Into Light at the Arlington Center for the Arts Gibbs Gallery
Juried by Jill Pottle

“Darkness Into Light” juried exhibit-a celebration of the winter with high hopes of more sun, warmth and welcoming us back into spring. Received Juror’s Choice Award for two works “East” and “Aftermath.”

2/2016: Selected for the Prince Street Gallery‘s 2016 Annual National Juried Show 

Juried by Graham Nickson

Honored to have esteemed juror, Graham Nickson, select my painting Van Ruisdael View of Haarlem Motif for this show.

11/2015: Invited to show in Abstracted, at UForge Gallery, Jamaica Plain, MA

PRESS RELEASE  BOSTON, MA – UFORGE Gallery presents a special invitational exhibition focusing on abstraction in different media.

11/2015: Predictions, juried show, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA

Predictions addresses a range of environmental issues including: conservation of “place”, sustainability of ecosystems, and topics related to global warming with work that explores a variety of approaches, such as aesthetic expression of the sublime, activist design, documentary exploration, and/or choice of “harvested” materials.

Juried by Kathy Desmond

12/2015:  ART100, invitational, Piano Craft Gallery, Boston, MA

Works from ART100 Boston 2014